Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Butlers in the Buff Take Over the Gab Office

Our system server was down today, but that didn't matter once we got a visit from a...different...type of server.

Two Butlers in the Buff, Billy and Shane, stopped by the Gab office for a quick video shoot (We're in the process of pitching Butlers in the Buff to a slew of morning shows - talk about a pick-me-up.)

We held the shoot in semi-privacy, but still caught some coworkers sneaking glances on their way to the water cooler. It's not every day you have a bare-bootied Butler chilling in the conference room, after all.


  1. LOL wish our server went down everyday ;)

  2. best visitors in the office "butts" about it

  3. hysterical day at the office Butlers in the Buff to the rescue!

  4. One of the greatest on going fantasies that hit many men, is seducing totally gorgeous and sexy hot Butlers in the buff. They are sometimes called dancers, but it's truly something completely difficult and there's no easy way to explain how to really win a stripper's heart.
